The original characteristics of Argyle Pink Diamonds™ of a particular size that are laser inscribed and sold since 2015 are searchable through the Diamond Check tool.
We are only able to provide assurances regarding provenance for polished diamonds that were inscribed in this manner and issued with a certificate by Argyle Pink Diamonds™, after being sold through our secure chain of custody.
Our Gem Analysis Service, which commenced in January 2024, relies on proprietary scientific analysis undertaken by an external laboratory partner, to identify pink, red, blue or violet diamonds that exhibit characteristics corresponding to those exhibited by diamonds from the Argyle Diamond Mine, to a reasonable degree of confidence. Where the analysis has identified the presence of such characteristics, the diamond will be issued with an Argyle Pink Diamonds™ Gem Analysis Report. This diamond is then also able to be searched via the Diamond Check tool. Please click
here for conditions applicable to this programme.